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The existentialist philosophical position of Karl Jaspers, according to which the essential determination of man is based on philosophical faith, which overcomes the subject-object correlation by identifying them, is elaborated in detail. The experience of comprehensiveness, which is achieved through the key epistemological concept of the subject-object split, which, according to Jaspers, is a passage to personal freedom and faith, is especially addressed. From this he derives a strictly existentialist position according to which being cannot be known and finally determined by pure thought, because it is conceptually elusive, that is, it can only be experienced. In particular, Jaspers' questions of what I know and what really is are exposed and analyzed, on which he points the way to true existence to students and followers through the practice of self-knowledge. Striving to cleanse his thought of sensory illusions by formulating his own philosophical method, which goes beyond Husserl's phenomenology, he introduces ontological characteristics: being is logos, which we experience through the constant and unpredictable change of reality. In order to bring it closer to us, Jaspers used dialectics in metaphysics: being is and is not, and becomes, and exists, and is cause and effect, and its attributes are actually endless. In this position is the essence and basic meaning of Jaspers's existentialist method, which should lead man as a soul-body structure to true existence and complete freedom.
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