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What is the significance of Kant's critique of metaphysics and in particular of his critique of rational theology in the context of the question of the incoherence of religious conflicts? Precisely concerning this relationship, this paper will consider a brief history of thinking of a phenomenon called rational theology, then in this context, we will consider Kant's precritical work and later presentation of a critique of rational theology, all in the context of questioning the relationship enumerated with religious conflicts. The hypothesis of this paper is reflected in proving the relationship between Kant's critique of rational theology and the idea of the inconsistency of religious conflicts in such a way that the inconsistency of religious conflicts is based on the results of Kant's critique: the impossibility of certainty and knowledge. So, finally, and according to the results of Kant's main work Kritik der reinen Vernunft: why make religious conflicts serious at all when we cannot objectively prove the existence of the religious idea of God – who is the reason religious conflicts themselves, by their definition, are serious!?
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