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Transhumanism, as a philosophical direction, with the help of scientific-technical achievements, among other things, promotes the prolongation of human life through the liberation of the deficiency by which the human body is marked. It significantly influences the understanding of human nature by creating frameworks for a paradigmatic change of the human body view. The body goes through conceptual-theoretical and technical-practical transbiomorphosis with the aim of fulfilling all the potentials of the subject in the spirit of morphological freedom. In this way, the path was opened for the arrival of an extropic subject that would progress according to the dynamics of perpetual progress. The desire for superiority over natural givens extends through the control of a body subjected to various hybrid practices. Here the transhumanist self-made-man principle shows the instrumentalist and idealistic relation of the subject to his own body. Such principle requires a thorough reflection about a man in order to bring to light the identity foundations of the ideal and perfect subject who seeks to show himself through a new and improved body. The transhumanist search for a new and perfect being becomes a challenge to the philosophical and theological understanding of the human body.

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SINGBO, O.-G. . (2022). DISEMBODIMENT OF HUMAN. ABOUT (ID)ENTITY OF TRANSHUMANIST SUBJECT. Arhe, 18(36), 295–321. https://doi.org/10.19090/arhe.2021.36.295-321


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