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In this paper, the author considers Fichte’s concept of practice. Firstly, he refers to the ancient understanding of this concept, and its principal feature – separation of theory and practice, subject and object. Then he considers Kant’s awarding of the primacy to the practice. The rest of the text is devoted to the Fichte’s understanding of practice, by analyzing the concepts such as the effective action (fact-act, Tathandlung), the intellectual perception and the relation I – Not-I. Hereafter he discusses the relation between knowledge and action, and the question of humanity. In the last section of the paper the author considers the problem of speculation and its opposition to philosophy (metaphysics), and then relates the speculation to the revolution.

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KEŠELJEVIĆ, L. (2017). FICHTE’S CONCEPT OF PRACTICE. Arhe, 13(25), 111–140.


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