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Problem of recognition (Anerkennung) in historical context of the unity of knowledge and action, was first systematic and explicitly tematized by Hegel. Due to his indication the best way to approach this concept is the phenomenological method. The exposition of the structure of consciousness shows that it is a living force that is in motion in relation to nature. The subject at the very beginning of the process of recognition is pure self-interest, self-will, but soon it turns out that it cannot survive as such, because it changes itself when encountered with other self-consciousness. The struggle for recognition begins when two self-consciousnesses demand not only an object but a right to the object. In such a struggle we witness an asymmetrical recognition which in effect turns within the historical process of acquiring freedom. In fine, the significance of the phenomenological method is explored in the context of contemporary considerations of recognition which are examined not only by the past and present considerations, but also by the question of self-projections of the subject in the world.
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