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The establishment of gender as an analytic category has significantly influenced the discussions on all important issues in the humanities and social sciences, but it still prefers to bypass than, what was included in the mainstream of philosophical debate. Although feminist philosophy and philosophy of gender entered the framework of the curriculum at most departments of philosophy, they have remained in the margins in their own protected areas. Instead of directing attention at the open question about the reasons for leaving feminist and gender theories on the margins of philosophy, this will be considered an important turn within these theories that is the hub in their development. It is a feminist philosophical concept Butler, presented before three decades, which today opens opportunities for new positioning, despite the troubles it brings. The papers are primarily framed her works: Gender Trouble, Bodies that Matter, and Undoing Gender.

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KARAPETROVIĆ, M. (2020). ONTOLOGY OF GENDER: FEMINIST UNDERSTANDING OF PHILOSOPHY. Arhe, 16(31), 171–188. https://doi.org/10.19090/arhe.2019.31.171-188


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