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In this research, the author tries to demonstrate that Rousseau's understanding of education largely coincides with the Enlightenment ideas of the 18th century. Rousseau, together with other Encyclopedists, advocated the idea of emancipation of the mind from authority and spreading of knowledge from various fields of science, philosophy, and also knowledge of various crafts. They believed that progress in knowledge would also contribute to the progress of society. However, Rousseau dared to doubt these ideas, which is why he will be unfairly accused of alienation from these ideas. The author aims to demonstrate that Rousseau's alienation is only apparent and that his notion of natural upbringing and education get along with the Enlightenment ideas. To prove these claims, the author will use the method of analysis and comparison of Rousseau's texts with the texts of his contemporaries. This research aims to present a different interpretation of Rousseau's ideas of education and upbringing, concerning how his contemporaries understood them.
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