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Every serious educational system in contemporary times, have to consider and shape the form of learning to think and develop critical thinking. When we talk about education, then the ultimate purpose of educational activity should be the return to the subject, which means the development of an emancipated, autonomous individual, a critical thinker, and a self-conscious individual. By practicing (auto) reflection and critical thinking, we help the individual developing deep understanding and interpretation of the facts. According to Liessmann's definition of uneducation, which appears in its contemporary form as a form of halfeducation, which is the abandonment of the eagerness to understood the wholeness, we will emphasize the importance of the philosophical foundations of care and the need for the development of empathy as important phenomena in the building of the whole personality, the critical subject, and the possibility of changing the existing relationships within the society to which the educated individual tends to participate. We are asking whether we can be educated and empathized within the educational system to help understand the problem of the contemporary world and how it is to cope with the challenges the society is facing today.

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