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The reception of Heidegger's work from his student days to the present is indeed diverse: from skepticism to glorification, from denial to advocacy, from criticism to dogmatic following. His bio-bibliography, which evokes such contrasting reactions among readers, truly gives rise to the accusation that Heidegger ultimately strayed into philosophy, encouraged irrationalism, and later delved into mysticism. Whether one takes an affirmative or negative stance towards Heidegger's work, we must agree that his third period of thought contains a multitude of explicit statements that ridicule logic, relativize scientific methodology, consider irrationality as part of rationality, or invoke mysticism and evangelism, questioning without the intention of providing answers, polluting the pure intellect, and more. In this vein, this paper aims to demonstrate the hypothesis of the presence of numerous elements of mysticism in Heidegger's third period of thought (1947-1976) – through prioritizing poetry over thought, introducing theology into philosophy, and indicatively reducing thought to opinion.
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