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Radivoje Kerović


In this paper, author explores the problem of presence and influence of philosophy and philosophical thought on trends of contemporary psychiatric thought and practice. That endeavor is conducted through focused analyses of the influence of philosophy primarily on development of existential-phenomenological psychiatric thought and practice. The subject analyses reveals in just what extent philosophy is a significant factor of development of theoretical thought and practical experiences and procedures in the field of psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychopathologic practice. Theses that author deduces from such exploration are: (1) it is unjustified to separate theoretical and practical levels of experience and knowledge, cognition and existence; (2) theoretical (cognitive) ambitions and endeavors of philosophy are legitimate and necessary even in a time of hegemony of scientific-technological rationality and instrumental concept of mind; (3) philosophy is alive as ever whenever one thinks thoroughly and carefully enough about man and his world, i.e. whenever one thinks at all; (4) aside from purely theoretical knowledge, philosophy also mediates our practical and useable experiences and knowledge, as recognized by psychiatric and psychotherapeutic science and profession; (5) its conceptual and conceptualizing work is needed on integral field of human experience and knowledge, therefore also where we are confronted by basic problems of human mind health and diseases. 

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How to Cite
Kerović, R. (2013). PHILOSOPHY IN PSYCHIATRY. Arhe, 9(17).