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The article argues that early Romanticism, articulating its own view, addresses to the Enlightenment an “aesthetic” remark which be traced deep into the twentieth century. The author of the work found it, after Schlegel and his school, not only in Weber ‘s diagnosis of institutionalized rationality of Western civilization, and in the Horkheimer’s and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment and the critique of the goal-oriented or instrumental reason of modernity that followed, but in a different way, also in Foucault, Böhme brothers, and even in postmodern philosophy and neopragmatism. It is concluded that all these orientations share detection of the lack od self-enlightenment of the Enlightenment and, consequently, the lack of its self-referential correction. These unaccounted costs of violations the Enlightenment committed to its “other”, irreversibly or somehow still recoverable, undermines its original critical and emancipatory program.

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