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This work outlines the relationship between art and anti-art. On the one hand, we have artists who inevitably show what is hidden in reality and go deep into reality in the way of philosophical understanding and reflection of the work of art. If we talk about the art of Leonardo Da Vinci, we can say that only with his time artists have the need to bring a more philosophical understanding of reality into their creations. That is why we can say about Da Vinci that he is an artist and a philosopher, but also a scientist. In the paper, we analyzed his work The Last Supper, and the relationship between the individual figures depicted in the picture. Da Vinci, also, like most philosophers, believes that the true knowledge of art is possible only through the mind. When it comes to the genius Mozart, we can say that he is one of the constellations of artists who entered the very essence of art and human existence. In the paper, we analyzed his work Requiem. During the creation of this work, Mozart was aware that the human soul is in constant crucifixion between the sensory and material worlds, which speaks of his reliance on the Pythagorean understanding of music and musical spheres. Highlighting the creativity of Mozart and Da Vinci, we can conclude that both of these artists searched for true knowledge and its influence on the human soul. Da Vinci spoke about the fact that the world is not only what we can grasp with our senses, while for Mozart art is the one that speaks directly to the human soul. Against this view of art, we have engaged art that was created after the Second World War. In this time of evil and the annulment of everything human, artists believe that they should be more engaged and that they should address more to mere human existence. We find this type of art in Andy Warhol and Marina Abramović. Warhol is more based on consumer society and popular culture, while Abramović pays more attention to artistic practice in terms of her famous performances. Looking at these two historical eras in art or two ways of presenting reality, this work aims to show how true the presentation of reality is in both aspects and how much artistic weight it carries with it.
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