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Ortega y Gasset’s philosophical inheritance is not systemically conceived. Therefore, the notions of fantasy and creativity in this paper are interpreted in the framework of his ontological research and in the context of his reflections on the "new", "young", avant-garde art. It shall be shown that his concept of fantasy is not understood in a traditional way, as a special "organ" or a moment in the epistemological scheme, but as one of the fundamental ways in which man relates to the world. Man is understood as a homo viator whose task is to interpret his own reality. Having a phantasy, man is being able to set an interpretive attitude towards life, and in the contemporary world he also has this attitude towards works of art themselves. On the other hand, we shall set off his critique of the notion of creativity based on the philosophy of art, and show the reaffirmation of this notion in the context of the rational-vitalist position.
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