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This paper is about the problems and reflections on secondary school teaching of philosophy in Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the period between the two world wars; I will present what was the role and the meaning of philosophy in the secondary education according to the perspective of philosophers of the time. The analysis shows that the role of philosophy was divided between two educational models – the scientific and knowledge-based one, and the moral and formative one; the first one being predominant. The teaching of philosophy was gradually adjusted to the idea of education as acquiring of knowledge, becoming the tool for such goal in the process. The analysis also suggests that the revitalization of the other model, focused on formation of mind and moral values, could become an alternative to the contemporary tendencies in philosophy teaching.

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How to Cite
POPOVIĆ, U. . (2023). TEACHING PHILOSOPHY IN SECONDARY EDUCATION: REFLECTIONS AND QUESTIONS. Arhe, 19(37), 205–220. https://doi.org/10.19090/arhe.2022.37.205-220


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