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In this paper, the author analyses Stagirite's view of Ephesian's philosophy, which is largely viewed through the prism of his quadruple causal scheme. Aristotle strongly argued and consistently defended his thesis that Heraclitus was a typical representative of the Ionian philosophy of nature. He did not advocate this position based on the place of birth or origin of "the Dark" thinker, but he founded it primarily with the Ephesian's postulation of the primary essence in mind. The founder of the Lyceum, after thoroughly studying Heraclitus' fragments, concluded that pyr is a persistent substrate of everything and that it should be treated as arche and physis in the classical Ionian sense. Ephesian, finally, determined a single principle, fire, which is "of the nature of matter" and which, in Aristotle's typology of causes, was categorized as a material cause.

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