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Simultaneous acceptance of the statement that god is not and the rejection of the charge of atheism is possible only if one demonstrates that one can assert something different about god, what is more than “god is”. Complete Fichte’s philosophical labour was based on the effort to continuously reveal the act as what essentially precedes to the everything what is, to the every fact. His consideration of the idea of god may be observed as the important stage in his struggle for recognition of freedom as the highest principle of all human knowledge and Being. That principle, as such, remains locked for the conceptuality of understanding. Contrary to the well- known thesis of the antagonism between the idea of god and the thought of self- positioning I, the author tends to claim that Fichte, thinking god as the pure act and the moral world order, reflects the same process of self-liberation of humanity which is expressed by the first principle of the science of knowledge (Wissenschaftslehre).

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VLAŠKI, S. (2017). FICHTE’S IDEA OF GOD. Arhe, 13(25), 93–110.


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