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This article presents an introductory investigation of the so-called original history in Hegel‘s Lectures on the Philosophy of World History. It begins with the problematization of Hegel's terminological invention Die ursprüngliche Geschichte, pinpointing the ambiguous character of originality as an adjective by which Hegel describes the practice of some historians. Hegel's concept of originality here is investigated through an inquiry towards the defining features of historiographical practice. This inquiry is led by the traces of Hegel‘s description of the practice of the first historians as creators of the lasting intellectual representations by which collective memory is constituted. Then, following the specific formulations from Hegel‘s Introductions, the practice of the original historians is further interpreted as the practice of the transmission of transitory content of perception to the medium of lasting representation. Interpretation concludes with remarks about the importance of Hegel‘s theory of Erinnerung and Gedächtnis for further understanding of his theory of historiography.
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