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U radu se istražuje Hegelovo zasnivanje logike kao ontologike. Prikazujući ključne stanice samorazvoja duha u logici, Hegel u isto vreme trasira put kojim će duh prolaziti u svakoj od vlastitih manifestacija. Otuda je odnos između nužnosti i slobode u logici konstitutivan za odnos između nužnosti i slobode – apstraktnog i konkretnog, bitka i trebanja – u čitavom filozofskom sistemu.
Detalji članka
Kako citirati
ĐIKANOVIĆ, M. (2021). LOGIČKI PRINCIP SLOBODE HEGELOVO ZASNIVANJE LOGIKE. Arhe, 17(34), 7–25. https://doi.org/10.19090/arhe.2020.34.7-25
Broj časopisa
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Dussel, A., Enrique, D, "Hegel, Schelling and Surplus Value" in International Studies in Philosophy, 38/2006.
Farr, A., "Fichte's Master/Slave Dialectic: The Untold Story" in: Fichte, German Idealism and Early Romanticism (ed. Breazeale, D., Rockmore, T.), Fichte Studien Supplementa, Rodopi, Amsterdam-NY 2010.
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Jameson, F., Valences of the Dialectic, Verso, London-New York 2009.
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Nancy, J.-L., Hegel. The Restlessness of the Negative, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London 2002.
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Pinkard, T., German Philosophy 1760-1860. The Legacy of Idealism, Cambridge University Press, New York 2002.
Uchida, H., Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic, Routledge, London and New York 1988.
Dussel, A., Enrique, D, "Hegel, Schelling and Surplus Value" in International Studies in Philosophy, 38/2006.
Farr, A., "Fichte's Master/Slave Dialectic: The Untold Story" in: Fichte, German Idealism and Early Romanticism (ed. Breazeale, D., Rockmore, T.), Fichte Studien Supplementa, Rodopi, Amsterdam-NY 2010.
Hajdeger, M., „Onto-teo-loško ustrojstvo metafizike“ u Mišljenje i pevanje, Nolit, Beograd 1982.
Hegel, G. W. F., Fenomenologija duha, Ljevak, Zagreb 2000.
Hegel, G. V. F., Filozofija povijesti, Bardfin-Romanov, Beograd-Banjaluka 2006.
Hegel, G. V. F., Nauka logike I, II, III, BIGZ, Beograd 1987.
Henrich, D., Between Kant and Hegel, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England 2003.
Henrich, D., Hegel im Kontext, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1971.
Jameson, F., Valences of the Dialectic, Verso, London-New York 2009.
Janke, W., Die dreifache Vollendung des Deutschen Idealismus. Schelling, Hegel und Fichtes ungeschriebene Lehre, Fichte Studien Supplementa, Bd. 22, Rodopi, Amsterdam-NY 2009.
Kangrga, M., Praksa, vrijeme, svijet, Nolit, Beograd 1984.
Lauer, C., The Suspension of Reason in Hegel and Schelling, Continuum, London-NY 2010.
Marcuse, H., Um i revolucija, Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo 1987.
Marx, K., Temelji slobode. Osnovi kritike političke ekonomije, Naprijed, Zagreb 1977.
Nancy, J.-L., Hegel. The Restlessness of the Negative, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London 2002.
Perović, M.A., Filozofija morala, Cenzura, Novi Sad 2013.
Perović, M.A., Filozofske rasprave,Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb 2011.
Perović, M.A, Početak u filozofiji. Uvođenje u Hegelovu filozofiju, IK Vrkatić, Novi Sad 1994.
Pinkard, T., German Philosophy 1760-1860. The Legacy of Idealism, Cambridge University Press, New York 2002.
Uchida, H., Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic, Routledge, London and New York 1988.