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This paper addresses Hegel‘s usage of the metaphorical figure of Mnemosyne which he uses to denote the complex character of collective memory. There are three major places in Hegel‘s opus at which the metaphoric of Mnemosyne is employed in a similar fashion: 1) Chapter on Representation in Lectures in the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (1827/28), 2) Section on Epic in Phenomenology of Spirit (1807), 3) Introduction in the Lectures in the Philosophy of World History (1822/24; 1828/29; 1830/31). Based on the reading of the aforementioned sections investigation concludes that Mnemosyne is used by Hegel to denote praxis by which memory of community emerges through the mediation between Erinnerung of representations and their manifestation in the objects of collective memory (Gedächtnis). Understanding this dynamic is of decisive importance for the interpretation of Hegel's understanding o historiography as a praxis of communal memory, as well as for mapping the relationship between different practices by which the memory of community is articulated.
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