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The article attempts to address Plato's question about mimesis by finding the appropriate method within the text of Republic itself. The first part of the paper analyzes why the issue of mimesis is reiterated in the last book of Republic and why the mimetic poet returns to Socrates' speech despite being exiled previously. The article suggests that the mimetic poet may have never been banished and was concealed within Socrates' speech all along. In the second part of the paper, Plato's critique of mimesis is examined by highlighting the difference in content and style of mimesis. The paper proposes a way of reading Plato's critique that applies his method of interpreting an imitative poet to a given interpretation, which reveals insights into Plato's constant game with what and how, teaching and the way it is constructed. This approach sheds light on the essentially rhapsodic nature of Plato's critique of mimesis, which involves a constant interplay between what and how.
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